Rob Hermann
Rob Hermann has been a home inspector for over sixteen years. His reputation is strong with clients and agents alike. He is a Registered Home Inspector with the Ontario Association of Home Inspectors (OAHI), ASHI Certified Inspector with the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI) and a National Certificate Holder (NCA#00055). In addition to being a NCA member, he is also an examiner for the program (testing and evaluating other inspectors). He has completed over 4500 home and commercial property inspections.
Rob volunteered countless hours for the OAHI, most notably chairing the Toronto members’ monthly educational meetings for three years, followed by two years on the Discipline & Professional Practices Committee.
Zach Hermann
Zach is the office manager and most likely the person you’ll speak to when you call. He is responsible for the schedule, and he will endeavour to answer all your home inspection questions, so start your enquiry with him.
Please note that Rob’s schedule changes quickly. If you require an inspection as soon as possible it is advisable to call or text 416-274-6651.

Nate is our ever loyal office dog. He can occasionally be heard in the background of phone conversations, overexcited about new clients. He works hard hunting for any dropped food scraps to keep the place tidy.